Tuesday, November 25, 2008


here is the project I needed the yarn,
and the knitting needles
and the hair clips
and the flowers for-pixie hats!
they are so quick and easy
and cute- even in this blurry picture! I heard they are big sellers at craft sales!
I hope so, as I am doing one in a few weeks.
and I have a lot of hats!

Christmas is one month from today!
gotta go- get stuff done!
the list is long.
and time is short!
I love it.
(being busy crafting, and making things for others!)
the young women in our ward have offered babysitting services for their activity tonight, so I signed up my four youngest, and I can have an hour and a half to shop,- or more likely, I think I will come home, and pull out the boxes and bags of stuff I have stashed and start wrapping!
I can hardly wait.
mostly just because I will be home all by myself.
that never happens!


Andrea said...

oh cute.
What to do when alone?? How very exciting for you. Enjoy!

Lynn said...

Very cute idea for hats! I love the redness of the red one!

jessica said...

oh...that last post was so sweet!

Kim said...

I wish our yw did that!!! What a great idea. Cute hats!

Marcia said...

Those are so very cute! Especially the little model.