Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Father's Day!

here's my folks.
Aren't they sweet.
Sunday dinners are so great.
going to Grandma's house.
Apparently her canned corn is better than my canned corn.
The sheer numbers of our clan are such that dinners
with the whole gang don't happen every week,
but being that it was Father's day- we all got together
and had a good time.
Thanks mom and dad.
Love you!


Anonymous said...

ahhh... What a cute photo!! You are a professional. Now I know where we get our good looks eh? hee hee.

jessica said...

how many kids are in your family Kristi? (your siblings).
your parents are cute. they look nice.

jessica said...

Sorry, dumb question. i know you have 3 sisters. there are 4 in your family. sorry. i totally knew that, just a blonde moment

Kristi said...

funny Jess- I have 4 sisters! there are 5 girls in my family!!