Saturday, September 03, 2011


I am here,
but the power cord for my lap top has gone missing.
I do know where the lap top is-
but it is out of power,
and the cord has vanished.
school is back on, it started on Wednesday.
Maggie is in grade one. all day.
I am home alone.
all day.
it is blissfull.
the kids all are happy with where they are at.-
teachers, schools, and all that stuff
-but Ben does want to change one of his classes.
the weather was definitely fall- ish,
but this weekend is promising sun,
so I guess it is a good thing it is a long weekend.
and when the cord is found,
there will be pictures to be shown.

I always say our house is like the bermuda triangle.
things just vanish.
it isn't that big- that we should lose stuff all the time,
or THAT messy.
okay, apparently it is.
I guess I should work on that with all my free time now!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Ya.. get off the computer and get cleaning :)
Enjoy your free time!!