Friday, October 27, 2006

a few things I wanted to share..

I love Dairy Queen ice cream cakes.
but alas, I am cheap,
and cannot bring myself to pay the $14, or so
for the delicious goodness.
so, I found a recipe ( I know, I always spell that wrong)
that tastes very much like the real thing
at a fraction of the cost.
and I will share it with you.

take 12 oreos, and crush them
add 2 Tbsp margarine, melted
press into a springform pan.

meanwhile, have some chocolate, and some vanilla icecream softening.

crush up 10 more oreo cookies,
add chocolate icecream sauce, until it is nice and saucy.
(see, this is really exact!)
put some chocolate icecream in your pan,
then the cookie sauce stuff,
then vanilla icecream
and freeze.

mix up a pack of dream whip,
add 3/4 c icing sugar, and whip
spread on top of cake,
freeze again.

oh, so good.
I broke my springform pan trying to get the cake out,
so be careful.

then I added sprinkles.
cause they are fun.

okay, for Shelley-
this is Jeds cowboy bed and the cordouroy quilt I made for him.
I really like it, and the colors look great with his wall.
the stinky paint wall.
and it's not a cordouroy bear quilt, which he thought it was when he was crying telling me he didn't want a cordouroy quilt.

okay, must run and get supper going
and ready for our "provident living fair"
tomorrow- a replacement for super saturday,
where I am going to learn how to cut up and can a chicken.
if I can make it to the store and get one, that is!
fun stuff.


jessica said...

the cake looks pretty!

Shelley said...

I can't wait to try the cake. I will have to make it REAL soon! And I LOVE the quilt. Super cute. Can't wait to see it!

Andrea said...

i will make that cake soon. oh.. and my blog is now up, although i still have some fixing to do