Monday, July 02, 2007

it was a..

very happy Canada day!

1 comment:

Kayli said...

Awwww, I really love both of those pictures! Canadian flags just get me (especially on icecream!--great idea!).

So, Crack the Whip is not actually a very good kid game when you play it the right way. The right way to play it is to have quite a few kids holding each other's hands and the leader starts running and pulls them all really fast, then goes around in a circle (still running) and it makes the kids on the end go extra super fast, and oftentimes fly off out of control and generally crash into something or the ground. If you get a whole lot of kids the results can be injurious. The game was banned in one of my elementary schools.

The way WE were playing it yesterday was much more tame, since really--there's only two kids who can't run very fast or hold on very tight. So, Hazel just thought that it meant 'run across the grass until you get to the other side of the yard and then let go of hands and run the other direction.' Actually, they did get cracked a little bit, but not much.

That was a lengthy explanation. I advise you NOT to teach your kids--unless you're up for the consequences. ;)