it's been a long day with all my kids all day.
something I am going to have to get used to for the next two months. yowsa.
1. maggie finding out that bubbles don't taste very good. yuck. poor thing.
here's sadie doing the parachute thing. fun stuff.
3. she can not wait to start grade one. she would already have her backpack packed if I let her. like everyone tells you, they grow up too fast.
4. we all went to my sister Andrea's and got hair cuts today. fun stuff.
5. except Sadie- she's growing her hair, and she and two of her aunties are going to cut their hair at Christmas time and donate it for wigs. she is getting excited for that too.
7. two weeks from right now I will be in New York City. wow. hard to believe.
8. I finished my reversible wrap skirt. and ummm. not sure about it. it is comfortable. but maybe not the cutest thing. I am not too sure it is NYC material. will have to see if I can fix it. maybe I will take pictures and see if there are any positive comments.
9. Pokemon cards. wasn't that so - a few years ago? well, apparently they are the big thing. for my kids and their circle of friends anyways.
10. Apparently Ben has the rarest card in our town. yep. isn't that interesting.
they talk and talk pokemon all the time, and I have no clue, and no desire to know what it is all about. so bizarre.
11. finally found some shorts that fit. yay. I hear it is hot out east. yay. lousy weather here.
12. while I was at Costco, with all my kids- big mistake, but anyways, found some crocs knock offs, and bought them because I really need good comfortable shoes for all the walking in two weeks. not the cutest things, but wow, they really are comfortable.
13. sleeping in is wonderful, but getting kids to bed at night after they sleep in, is not so wonderful. I really need to get kids to bed, and get myself to bed, because wow, am I getting cranky. :)