2. I am having a hard time finding just the right gift for one of my kids! I found something on line, but it would require us shipping it back, and them shipping it back again- it is a book kit, that they write the book, then send it back and they make it into a real hard covered book. I love it! but ends up, we would have to pay for all the shipping which they estimated at $40. and that doesn't inclued the cost of the actual kit. bummer. a bit more than I am willing to spend.
3. I did find something I think he will like, but not quite as fabulous as I am wanting.
4. this afternoon I get to go and make gingerbread houses with Jack at the school. here is the stash of goodies we have collected to put on it. the grade 5's and 2's do it every year. so next year is Sadie's turn. last year was Jed. then the year after Sadie will be Jed again. never a years rest! haha.
5. I need to run to the grocery store and get some egg nog and some graham crackers. that is the base for the ginger bread houses. and of course we have none. but, any excuse to buy egg nog works for me!
7. I think the drywallers are coming next week.
I really hope they are coming. can't wait.
the boys can't wait.
hurry, please!
8. some little gifts for my sisters! I made the boxes out of paper from this pattern. at first they were a bit tricky, but then I got the hang of it. really fun!
9. Jack had some teeth pulled years ago, and had spacers put in. he has the worst teeth of all our kids. bad. I know. but now he has been in pain, I think the teeth are coming in under them. ouch. I tried calling our dentist, but I think they are closed on Fridays. could be a long weekend with a cranky boy.
10. get to go to Jessica's tonight to do some scrapbooking! yay. it has been a really long time! I am excited.
11. is it just me, or is December just flying by?
12. the dresses- I think I have them figured out. the zippers are in. just need to hand sew the lining in, do the hems, and figure out how to fix the sashes, but there is an end in sight.
13. I have till Wednesday to get them done- well, Tuesday night. school Christmas concert on Wednesday. the grand finale song is Handels hallelujah chorus, so I am hearing alot of hallelujahs around here!
at first I couldn't figure out what the picture of cleaning supplies was signifying. --guess I'm a little slow today. :)
And it's really quite mean to show a picture to an American that has smarties and coffee crisps and aeros, etc. If you have any left over--maybe you'll have to ship them my way. :)
can't wait to see what's in those cute boxes!
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