Tuesday, December 18, 2007


yesterday it was confirmed.
I suspected it back in November.
on my way to the wedding to take pictures.
I came to an intersection.
the light was turning, but I went through-
I thought it best to continue, than to try and stop, and maybe slide, and crash.
then I saw the flash, and another flash.


but yes, yesterday it came in the mail.
a stinky ticket, for running a red light.
I knew when it happened I should have stopped.
but sometimes, it is best to go through.
know what I mean.
now I have to pay.
big bucks.
luckily it isn't due for a couple of months.
just thinking of all the fun stuff I would rather be spending that rather large amount of money on.

like maybe a wii.
funny story about that.
this morning Jed was saying he can't wait until he gets a wii for Christmas, and I thought he was saying a wreath, and I asked him why he wanted a wreath for Christmas. I thought that was a funny thing for a kid to want.
then we got into how it was spelled, and he must have written a letter to Santa at school, or a wish list, or something because he said he spelled it wee. I thought that was cute.

so I was given a court date- do I go to court and fight the ticket? or at least try to get it reduced? any advice?
anyone? anyone?

um, my best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who saw Ferris pass out at 31 flavors last night.
I guess it's pretty serious.

serious, indeed.


Kayli said...

Ahh--hate spending money on things that are not fun. Tickets, ER visits, etc.

I got your card today. VERY cute! You guys got serious height! Too bad about the missing word (but kinda funny). You must have been concentrating on it really hard--that YOU saw it there, you know.

I just played Wii for the first time the other night. Boxing--Brett knocked me out in about two seconds flat. Ruff.

Kami said...

Ditto, I hate tickets, I have to pay fines for two missed tolls. I kind of drove past one with ut thinking (they have an express lane for those who buy a toll pass)and the other one I didn't have the right change. At least in FL they'd take whatever and give you back change. I hate tollways! Stupid thing is that I could have paid them online, but I forgot so now it's a violation and I have to pay a much, much larger fine. Errr..

Andrea said...

if you go to court they just set another date for you to go on and then you may get it reduced if you can prove it was slippery, but they just change it to running a yellow. So... that's the scoop on that... From a friend of a friend of a friend... or something like that.
Rumor has it santa is bringing a wii to our house.. guess jed's letter got mixed up with mine. hahaha.

Shelley said...

WHAT!!! Where is MY Christmas card? And Santa best be bringing me a Wii. Sheesh. And I say fight it. What have you got to loose- other than time and the same amount of money?? Or just suck it up and pay and save your time. tough choice. I've heard that Canadians don't have to pay tickets in the US (or at least they can't really do anything about it) but I feel guilty about not doing it since I WAS speeding. And the Lord knows. And would make me pay. Good luck!! See you in 3 days!!

Joanne said...

funny funny and so sad about the ticket. suck it up chickee and pay the ticket or just go and squeeze out some tears and maybe they will reduce it. worth a try anyways. ps love the christmas card. cute as always.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you're getting him one or not but I can bring mine up when we come to visit for new years.