Tuesday, December 04, 2007

the wedding

wow. I wish I knew a lot more about photoshop than I do!
but there were some good pictures.
a lot, and I mean a lot of them have one, or the other of these two with their eyes closed. crazy.
and I learned that I tend to tilt the camera to the right. a lot of tilted pictures.
crazy, stressful wedding pictures. now to get them all edited, some printed and into an album.
good times!
so, Friday should have been our last day ever of doing flyers, but I happened to be in front of the lady who is in charge of that in the Canadian Tire line on Saturday. and happened to mention that if they needed, we would do some more, so we are doing them today too. and there is tons of snow, and it is cold.
and when she dropped off the papers today, she offered a job to us, that I think I can't refuse, but I think my kids would like me to say no. she is going to put a paper box on the corner by where we had our route, because that route, and the nieghboring one are now without a carrier. so, on paper days, we would have to sort and bag about 100 papers- we currently are doing about 220, and we would just put them in the box, and still get paid for doing the three routes! wowsers. I think if we tell the kids we will put all the money into a Disney Land fund, and really do that, they might be more willing to help, and we could actually go to Disney Land- even though Cory could really care less about going there, but I think every kid needs to go once!, at least- I think I went 3 times. okay, at least twice. so fun.
alright, must get a birthday cake finished- it is Jack and Sadie's birthday today. and Sadies party tomorrow- when she woke up this morning she was so confused about which day is her birthday. today is your birthday, tomorrow is your party. so confusing! good times.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

I'll go to Disneyland with you and the kids. Cory can stay home. I have only been 4 times and need to go AT LEAST another 4. I will even help with flyers while I am home!!! DO IT!