Monday, June 02, 2008


so, we went out garage saleing quite a bit this past weekend. good times. except when you are at one, and your child grabs on to a certain little toy, and you say no, and tell them to put it back, because you really don't want another little toy like that in your house, and the kind garage sale host says, oh, she can just have that.
and you say thanks.
yah, thanks a lot.
from your get rid of stuff, to mine.
good times.


Andrea said...

Wow- how kind of her.

Kayli said...

Oh, how I hear you. My kids are actually really good right now. Before they can get out of the car they have to tell me the rules, which are 1. No asking for anything, 2. No whining when it's time to leave. Otherwise they have to wait in the car.

Actually, however, before we went on our trip, I went to garage sales and collected a whole bunch of little dinky toys from their free boxes, or 5 cent or 10 cent boxes, and didn't let the kids see them until we were on the road. They *loved* all their little treasures. It was a pretty good deal.

everything pink! said...

kristi - i seriously thought of you all weekend!!! i am going to get this done for you.

you will have a blast.

Lynn said...

LOL! That is SO true isn't it. We use to hold a yard sale every spring. It was SO fun for me to be the one to give my kids toys away to the kids that wanted them, but their parents wouldn't let them have them.

Just think....soon you may have enough to hold your own garage sale. : )