Wednesday, July 30, 2008

in happier times.

just looking back at some pictures, cropped these in a bit. love them.

thought I would share with you! some happy things from the past.

because today is not going so great.

the boys are fighting, the weather is yucky. I dropped some off to be home while I took Jack back to his swimming and told them not to turn on the game cube. well, guess what they did.

yep, the game cube. so now they have to turn it off, and are fighting over who's fault it is. such good times.

these are the days when summer drags on.

I think I will make some cookies and eat a whole lot. that sounds good to me!


Lynn said...

Awww.....Sorry your day is not going so good. But I must say I am completely impressed with your mothering skills. You seem to stand firm by what you say.
I REALLY like the photos you took too!

Amanda Jean said...

we are experiencing those same types of days around here. summer seems to be dragging on. and on.